
Locust Borer; Megacyllene robiniae
Soldier Beetle; Podabrus pruinosus

Burrowing Bug; Pangaeus bilineatus (?)
Spotted Cucumber Beetle; Diabrotica undecimpunctata

Sap-feeding beetle; carpophilus melanopterus
japanese beetle (and pet ants?); Popilia japonica

japanese beetle close-up
Seven Spotted Ladybird Beetle; Coccinella septempunctata

ladybug acrobat, Nine Spotted; Coccinella novemnotata
unknown bug, possibly milkweed bug

Small Milkweed Bug; Lygaeus kalmii
  Silvanid Flat Bark Beetle LOVE...
(You know those tiny bugs you sometimes find in grain?  This is them.)
First he plays hard to get

But love always wins...
Carpet beetle in my coffee mug

Carpet beetle in a tulip
Golden Net-Wing (Mark took this picture)

Type of Scarab called a Bumble Flower Beetle
