Locust Borer; Megacyllene robiniae |
Soldier Beetle; Podabrus pruinosus |
Burrowing Bug; Pangaeus bilineatus (?) |
Spotted Cucumber Beetle; Diabrotica undecimpunctata |
Sap-feeding beetle; carpophilus melanopterus |
japanese beetle (and pet ants?); Popilia japonica |
japanese beetle close-up |
Seven Spotted Ladybird Beetle; Coccinella septempunctata |
ladybug acrobat, Nine Spotted; Coccinella novemnotata |
unknown bug, possibly milkweed bug |
Small Milkweed Bug; Lygaeus kalmii |
Silvanid Flat Bark
Beetle LOVE... (You know those tiny bugs you sometimes find in grain? This is them.) |
First he plays hard to get |
But love always wins... |
Carpet beetle in my coffee mug |
Carpet beetle in a tulip |
Golden Net-Wing (Mark took this picture) |
Type of Scarab called a Bumble Flower Beetle |